
My initial wonderings about this subject started with a question I thought of during a presentation: Why do companies not invest in CRO? They invest in marketing in general, and certainly online marketing – who doesn’t know of SEO or Google AdWords? So why have companies not realised that CRO is the way to go? Or am I just kidding myself? Is CRO really that valuable? Is it even possible to prove the value of CRO? Maybe that is where I need to start – to somehow collect data that will show the value of CRO. What is the value of SEO? Has anyone ever defined that? There is no doubt that it is worth investing in – we all know that, or SEO wouldn’t be so popular. But what are the numbers? And how did every head of online marketing realise that they needed to invest in SEO?

Is there even any point in comparing SEO og CRO? The two are very different, no doubt. One drives traffic, one increases conversions. But I still find it interesting to know how it is SEO became so popular.

Maybe we just have too much focus on Google – not that Google isn’t important! But once you have those visitors, you need to focus on your own website! Perhaps there is just too much of a general focus on visitors? We all know that without traffic, your website is useless. Do companies not have an online strategy? Is that why they loose focus? Because if you know exactly what you want from your website, shouldn’t CRO be the next logical step? I have to assume that companies just don’t know about the concept as such. Concepts like usability and UX is pretty well known. And those are relevant as well. So maybe people just don’t know how to combine these great fields into effective CRO.